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Protect Yourself From Phishing

For many of us, the idea of preventing a cyberattack or avoiding malware can be stress-inducing. After all, though most of us now live increasingly online, few of us have formal training on the subject. But one of the most common types of attacks, phishing, is easy to prevent if you know what to look for.

Phishing scams rely on their targets willingly handing over sensitive information (like passwords or credit card numbers), or installing malware on their device. This is done by duping people through the use of fake email messages and websites. Usually, it begins with an email that purports to be from a trusted source and leads to a fraudulent website designed to capture personal, valuable information. Once you’ve given up your information, it looks like it’s business as usual. However, the next day you may be shocked to find that your bank account is drained. Or, you can’t get into your email to let your friends know that, no, you aren’t stranded on an island in need of their immediate financial help.

For those running the scam, it’s a pretty low-stakes gambit that relies on people falling for a simple trick and handing over lucrative information. But for anyone who is the victim, it’s high stakes for sure. Learn how to spot these fakes below and protect yourself against phishing scams.

Signs That You May Have Received a Phishing Email

Signs You May Be on a Phishing Website

How To Defeat Phishers

Finally, everyone can do their part and report phishing emails to and, and give a heads up to organizations that are being impersonated, so they can protect others moving forward.

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