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Your Account – CDN

On the CDN tab of your account portal, you can access’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). This document provides a complete reference to the CDN interface and features available in your user portal. For more information on’s CDN, please see our article on the subject and our product page detailing the various pricing plans and features. For a detailed tutorial on setting up’s CDN service for a website, please see our how-to.

Use the table of contents below to browse the different elements of the CDN tab:

The Resources List

When you first click the CDN tab in your account, you will be taken to a list of resources. These are websites with content that is mirrored on the CDN. The first time you access the page there will be no resources:


To create a resource, enter the URL of the website you wish to mirror in the Resource Origin field, and give it an identifying name in the Resource Name field. The resource name you enter will be used as the host name for the CDN resource (e.g. “mysite” will map to Then, click the Create button. A modal dialog will appear with the CDN’s Terms of Service. After reading the terms (and if you agree to them), check the checkbox labeled I agree to CDNify’s “Terms of Service” above, then click Save. If you want to cancel instead, click the Cancel button.

Terms of Service

After clicking Save, the new resource will appear in a row of the Resources Management List:

Resources Management list

The Resources Management list contains the following columns:

Finally, the drop-down menu at the lower left of the Resources Management list determines how many resources will be shown per page:

The Overview Tab

The Overview tab shows traffic statistics for the CDN. When first opened for a new resource, no statistics will be displayed:

You can navigate to the Overview tab by clicking the host name of a resource in the Resources list:

After the CDN has been put into use for a website, the Overview tab will show bandwidth and hits for the CDN as a whole, as well as broken down by a list of Popular Locations, showing CDN activity at different points of presence (POPs) in the network:

The Cache Tab

The Cache tab shows files that have been cached by the CDN. The list of Popular Files will be empty when first opened for a new resource:

After the CDN has been configured to serve a website, and put into use, the Cache tab’s list of Popular Files will be populated by cached files:

The Popular Files list includes the following columns:

Cache Purging and Expiry

Additional controls for purging files and setting cache expiry are located below the Popular Files list. The Purge Files controls are on the left:

The Cache Expiry controls are on the right:

The default cache expiry time is 24 hours. To set the cache expiry time to a different value, simply enter a number of hours into the Cache Expiry text field (0 means the cache will never expire) and click the Update button.

The Setting Tab

The Setting tab controls multiple settings for the CDN resource:

The Setting tab contains the following areas:

General Settings

The General Settings area contains the following elements:

These are the same as the Resource Origin and Resource Name that were originally set when creating the resource. They can be changed at any time by entering new values into these two fields and clicking the Update button.

Add a Custom Domain

To add a custom domain name for your mirrored content on the CDN, simply enter the fully qualified domain name of the hostname you wish to use in the Host Name field and click the Create button. For example, if we wished to link to the files with instead of, we would enter into the Host Name field and click Create.

Note: after adding the custom domain you will also need to create a CNAME entry in your website’s DNS record that points from your new hostname to the CDNify resource name. Please consult your web host’s documentation on working with DNS records.

Custom Domain List

The Custom Domain List shows any custom domains that have been added. The list will initially be empty, but will be populated after you add a custom domain. Domain names are shown in the leftmost column, followed by the date created, SSL validation status, and two links: Delete and Edit SSL.

Clicking the Delete link will immediately delete the custom domain name. There is no confirmation dialog when deleting custom domains, so be careful around this link and only click it if you are sure you want to delete the domain name.

Clicking Edit SSL will open a dialog box with a form for configuring SSL, with options for both automatic and manual SSL installation.

The Generate and install SSL checkbox is intended to automatically generate and install an SSL certificate for the custom domain name. Checking it will hide the manual SSL fields, as they are not needed.

Note: Automatic custom SSL is under development and is currently not working as intended. For the time being, please use the manual process detailed below.

To manually configure SSL, paste a certificate and its associated private key to the custom domain name in the Certificate and Private Key fields respectively. Be sure to install the complete certificate chain when pasting the certificate. You can do this by choosing the Ngnix download option for the certificate in your user account:

Note: If these fields are not visible, please make sure that the Generate and install SSL checkbox is not enabled.

When you are finished configuring SSL, Click the Save button. You can also click Cancel to cancel the operation, or Delete Host Name to immediately delete the custom domain name. After installation of a valid certificate, the Validation Status will be updated to show the presence of the certificate and its expiration date.

Advanced Setting

The Advanced Setting area contains the following checkboxes:

To set any of these options, toggle the checkboxes to your desired settings and click the Save button.

Delete this Resource

The Delete button simply and immediately deletes the resource.

Note: Be careful around this button and do not click it unless you really want to delete the resource! The delete operation cannot be un-done, and there is no confirmation dialog after you click he button.
Thank you for choosing! If you have any questions, please contact us by email at, call 1-877-SSL-SECURE, or just click the chat link at the bottom right of this page.
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